The evolution of Texas foods

I can’t believe it’s been a year since I made a case for the chicken-fried kolacharito — a tasty kolache pastry stuffed with burrito fixin’s and smothered in country gravy — to assume the throne of Texas culinary royalty.
125 years of S&W: Part 1

Santa Fe Railway Hospital, a facility to primarily to serve railroad workers in the Temple area, was built in 1892. It’s not the facility we know today.
Sooooo Delicious

Susan Ovenell, owner of Sooooo Hummus Factory in Temple, shows off some of the many varieties of hummus she makes and sells. The business started in Phoenix in 2016 and moved to Temple this year. She is becoming a regular at local farmers markets and sells her products online. David Stone photo Hummus company now calls […]
Puppy Love

Dogs, owners say Temple spa is well worth the wags DAVID STONE | OUR TOWN TEMPLE How about a sprinkle-covered donut while getting that long overdue pedicure? Perhaps a hair treatment with some of the finest shampoo made in fashion-conscious New York City? Or maybe that blueberry facial you’ve heard so much about? If this […]
Who wants Lollies?

Temple woman creates custom lollipops DAVID STONE | OUR TOWN TEMPLE There’s a lot of variety in the life of Charmin LaTrell Truesdale. Blueberry flavored roses, cherry unicorns and lime-toasted coconut butterflies, just to name a few. Charmin makes candy — lollipops are the big seller — and her customers range from regulars at a barbershop in her […]
Spice of Life

Temple ‘sandwich makers’ find success in producing dry mixes for restaurants DAVID STONE | August 10, 2022 It all started with a sandwich and a big ol’ bowl of chili. Now, EmporiumPackaging & Spice Company blends, mixes, packages and ships seasoningsand dry mixes to customers across the country. Chances are, you’ve sampled some of their products but may not […]
She’s playing their song

The original members of Dry Ice — Dwight Burris, Tommy Davis, Stacy(Cobb) Triefenbach and Andy Ramos — take a break on the stage at Tom Sefcik Hall during a 1984 show. Today, Stacy sings and teaches art classes at retirement communities across Central Texas. Courtesy photo Temple vocalist brings smiles, memories to residents of Central Texas retirement centers DAVID […]