Market will feature meat, groceries and a bakery
Construction on a new Downtown butcher shop, bakery and grocery market is expected to start next week, according to Bo Harvey, one of the project’s developers.
The market is a joint venture by Temple-based Tanglefoot Restaurants and Westphalia Market. Tanglefoot owns Bird Creek Burger Company, Treno’s Pizzeria & Taproom and First Street Roasters coffee shop.
“We have finalized plans for the market and apartments that will be located above the store,” Harvey said. “We should start construction in earnest next week. We don’t have a specific timeline for completing the project, but I’d love for us to be done with the market in 12 months. Right now, we don’t have a concrete opening date.”
The new market will be located at 13 S Main Street in the former In The Mood Ballroom.
“The store will provide a plethora of offerings to enhance the livability and retail experience in the heart of Temple’s ever-expanding Downtown,” Harvey said.
The market will open at about the same time as three major apartment communities being being built around the corner on Central Avenue. The old Hawn Hotel, the Sears building and the Professional Building are being renovated into a total of nearly 100 apartments, providing Downtown with around-the-clock residents.
Westphalia Market currently operates their popular market in Westphalia, as well as a meat market and grocery business in Hutto. Operating the markets for 47 years, Pat and Beth Rabroker have created one of the most well-known meat-market brands in Central Texas.
“Pat and I believe in locally owned and operated businesses, and we were looking for our next location to expand our offerings,” Beth Rabroker said. “The partnership with Tanglefoot Restaurants allows us to share in their future vision for downtown Temple.”
Jacob Bates, president and co-owner of Westphalia Tanglefoot Markets LLC, said Tanglefoot Restaurants has had a desire to bring additional food and retail options to Downtown.
“We knew we wanted to explore a grocery option that would also have a butcher shop and bakery to enhance our ability to have even greater quality control of our supply chain,” Bates said. “When we heard that the Rabrokers also were interested in bringing a similar offering to Temple, we were excited to discuss a partnership that would allow us to bring our collective skill sets together to create an unparalleled market in Downtown.”
JF Cattle Ranch, a beef operation run by Bruce Bates, co-owner of Tanglefoot Restaurants, and Sam Stroder, will provide grass-fed-and-finished cattle to the Downtown market. The beef will be sold exclusively in the Temple grocery and at Westphalia Market in Hutto.
“Temple’s growth over the past few years has been something to behold” Harvey continued. “We all want to help continue the trajectory our community is on, and make Temple something we all can be proud of and enjoy.”